Marketing Leadership Podcast
with Michael Reiss
Welcome to The Advertology Marketing Leadership Podcast! If you’re building or leading a marketing team and you’re new in your role or just looking to freshen up your skills, then you’ve come to the right place. This podcast is going to be really helpful for business owners, startup founders, and company executives… especially those who don’t come from marketing backgrounds. If you’re currently a marketing manager or director looking to move up and want to gain some insights into leading marketing teams, then you’ll absolutely enjoy this too.
Episode 1 – Stack the Deck with Great Marketing Hires
Learn some powerful tactics for hiring successful marketing team members. Find out how to stack the deck with great hires and why it’s the beginning of leadership.

Episode 2 – Lead Creatives to Their Best Work
Learn some modern tactics for leading creative design professionals to their best work. Find out how to better delegate through building trust, deal with creative decision making, request and revise projects, and be a leader creatives love to follow.
Recording Now
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