A lot of the problems in doing effective marketing originates within industry itself. How many times how you gotten an email or seen a marketing message enticing you to try some newly cooked up advertising wizardry. What about that how-to article you read last week claiming that “all you need to do are these 3 simple things and wiz bang now you are making the big bucks!” Promises of cheap and easy reward are in no short supply, after all marketing for marketers is also big business. Be wary of distractions, offers that seem too good to be true, and overly complicated technical wizardry.
“Promises of cheap and easy reward are in no short supply, after all marketing for marketers is also big business.”
I bet it’s also a little overwhelming with all the different marketing channels and choices that you have to contend with on a daily basis. No doubt you are up to your eyeballs with free advice from marketing blogs, podcast gurus, and industry publications. How many times have your eyes rolled round and round when your boss or client sends you yet another unsolicited piece of advice? Maybe it’s something they picked up from some random guy they met at a convention or a hot article that they found on social media that you need to jump on right now! You may even hear the dreaded “why aren’t we doing this already?” It is important to remember you are always being sold and the same tactics you use are being used on you.
Here are some tactics and things to remember when going about your daily business of doing marketing:
Always remember that you are not just a marketer but a member of a very large audience of people who do marketing. People want to sell to you badly and will say or do anything to attract your or your client’s business…just like every other marketable audience out there. Remember to always compare, shop around, and negotiate on price.
Question the sources of information and advice that you receive. Are you betting all of your Q1 revenues on some fluffy how-to article cooked up by an ad network looking to cash in on you? Best to seek insight from veteran marketers with knowledge and experience. When considering taking marketing advice or moving on a product or service, first track down the source of the information and understand the motivations behind it.
FULL DISCLOSURE: I am a marketer with over 14+ years of experience building strategy and executing campaigns. I also have run my own marketing agency since 2013. If you don’t believe me check out my LinkedIn Profile. Feel free to connect!
Don’t waste a lot of your time or commit to large media buys before you do at least 1-2 months of small scale testing. When an ad network requires a minimum spend equaling the same cost of a new car there is a good chance they know they have a poor offering and want to get as much from you now before you find out how bad it really is later.
While you shouldn’t commit to staying on a sinking ship, most marketing campaigns do take time to build and optimize into winners. Campaigns need your full attention so you can known which can grow or which should go. Don’t change course every time you see or hear some new strategy or piece of advice or else you will be running around in circles literally forever.